Can this count as being created by me?
I was in charge of the dessert table and the candy table at Matt's wedding reception.
I bought/begged/borrowed containers, platters, etc.
The ladies in my ward were wonderful. They furnished all the desserts. They tasted as good as they looked!
Here's a picture of the dessert table. This picture got taken before it was completely done - but you get the idea of how it looked. (There were even more varities of desserts - but we couldn't put all of them out at once. Like I said - they all tasted so good!)

This is a picture of the candy table.

Theses next few pictures are ones Jo took of the candy table.
(Her pictures are a lot better than mine!)

So would you considered this as "created by Mich"?
I took a lot of time getting all the stuff -containers, platters, tablecloths, and finding a place to buy candy in big bulk.
I think it turned out pretty nice - how about you?
(If Jo has a picture of the food table after it was completed - I'll post it later!)