Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Gift for Xyonane and Matt

Xyonane had her baby shower last month. I will post pictures soon on my other blog!
Mikel and I made her some burp pads and a receiving blanket.

These are a new type I tried out doing. I think they turned out okay - what do you think?
They fold up pretty nicely.
These are the ones Mikel made. I got the material - and she made them.
Mikel and I work well as a team!
Burp pads on the left - blanket on the right.

Book for Xyonane

I made this book for Xyonane to have at her baby shower.
If any of you have some advice you would like me to write in it from you, please let me know.
I am sure she would appreciate all the advice she can get - after all - she will soon be a new mom! And she will be a great one!

She is having a boy - if you didn't know.
Due date is Nov. 22.
My 2nd grandchild. Hard to believe - isn't it!

Halloween Time!

In August I was asked to come up with a Halloween craft for the craft day in RS.
This is what I taught.
I actually sold me original one (someone wanted another one and I didn't have any more sets)
This one is actually the one I made for Molly for her birthday.
Mine isn't done yet. Hopefully it will be done before Halloween.