Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Can this count as being created by me?
I was in charge of the dessert table and the candy table at Matt's wedding reception.
I bought/begged/borrowed containers, platters, etc.
The ladies in my ward were wonderful. They furnished all the desserts. They tasted as good as they looked!
Here's a picture of the dessert table. This picture got taken before it was completely done - but you get the idea of how it looked. (There were even more varities of desserts - but we couldn't put all of them out at once. Like I said - they all tasted so good!)
This is a picture of the candy table.
Theses next few pictures are ones Jo took of the candy table.
(Her pictures are a lot better than mine!)

So would you considered this as "created by Mich"?
I took a lot of time getting all the stuff -containers, platters, tablecloths, and finding a place to buy candy in big bulk.
I think it turned out pretty nice - how about you?
(If Jo has a picture of the food table after it was completed - I'll post it later!)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Craft Time

Here it is - my first creation to share! This is my first attempt, but I think it turned out pretty good. We'll have to see what Jana thinks - since it is part of her baby gift. (I've only had the rest of her gift for 2 months and haven't sent it yet. Next week -or perhaps tomorrow.)
So, what do you think? How about you Jana?
Want one Cheryl? Whether you do or not - it's in the process of being made.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Last week I attended an enrichment night called "Create". It was based on Pres. Uchtdorf's video on youtube. It can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLlnq5yY7k
I had seen this before and loved it! If you haven't seen it - take a moment. Whether you are a member or non-member of my church - this video will touch and inpsire you.
The Enrichemtent night was wonderful! At first I was very intimidated by all the wonderful things the ladies in my ward had created. There were some amazing things! After taking the opportunity to look at them, some of the ladies spoke about their "creations". One thing that Karli Tompkinson said really touched me. She said that if we really want to learn to do something, just do it and keep trying. Our first attempt might not be that good, but our second or third attempt might be.
I had already thought to make this blog of things I make - whether it be crafts, food/recipes to share, family fun ideas, or something all together different, but I was a little bit nervous that I didn't have all that much to show and share. After last week, I finally got up the nerve to do it anyway. I hope you enjoy what I have to share. I hope that it will help inspire you to try something new or different. Maybe not what I am trying or making - but inspiring you to reach out and do something you have always wanted to do or learn.
Let me know what you think. I would love feedback!